
Morning Worship at 8:00AM
Worship and Children's Church at 10:00AM

Christian Discipleship Training (CDT): for Youth 7th grade and higher - Meets on Sunday evening as scheduled.  For more info, contact Pastor Larry (



"The Chosen" Small Group Bible Study - gathers on Tuesday evenings at 7:00PM - 8:15PM at Church for a study using the guide "Spiritual Warfare: Biblical Truth for Victory" by John Franklin and Chuck Lawless which explores the Biblical understanding of spiritual warfare.  This is a nine-week study (beginning 3/18/25),  For more info, contact Doug Block (757.282.8386 or   (


Growing Points - 5:45PM - 6:45PM: an informal time of Bible Study and small group conversation

held at Rock Creek Villa Clubhouse, Quinton.  For more info, contact Ann Easton ( or (804.338.9215)

Online Evening Prayer (via - 7:00PM - 7:30PM: gather together with others to spend time in scripture and to join in prayer.  Use your computer or phone!  If you would like a link to be sent to you, contact Pastor Larry at ( or call/text: 757.784.2170.

Worship Band Rehearsal - 7:30PM - 8:30PM: New singers and instrumentalists always welcome!  Sing your praise to Lord!  (Weekly rehearsal currently on hiatus and meets for practice prior to 10AM Worship at 9:30AM on Sundays as needed.)

King's Singers Rehearsal - 7:30PM:  Do you like to sing and need a short-term commitment?  King's Singers is for you!  This group of singers gathers for prior to Christmas, Easter and other special worship celebrations.  Contact Pastor Larry for schedule (

Church Council Meeting at 7:00PM - (Second Thursday of each month)


GriefShare Group - 7:00PM - 8:30PM - (13 weeks beginning 2/2/27/2025).  Losing a love one brings grief which affects us in different ways.  You are not alone.  GriefShare provides an opportunity for people to gather together to encourage one another on their journey.  Questions about GriefShare?  Contact: Vicki Hanson (540.256.3190.)

Men's Bible Breakfast - every Friday at 7:15AM at Patsy's Restaurant, Providence Forge.  

A perfect opportunity to be in the Word, have a quick breakfast, and be ready to meet the day! 

Women's Bible Study - First and Third Saturday of the month at 9:30AM at Church.  

Bible study, prayer and delicious food!  For more info, contact Virginia Dressler ( or (804.966.5777)

Men's Bible Breakfast Fellowship - First Saturday of the month from 8:00AM - 9:00AM

A time in the Word with great food and great fellowship!  For more info, contact Pastor Larry ( or (757.784.2170.)

High School Youth Ministry (KOG YOUTH) meets at various times as scheduled.

For more info, contact Danette Poole at (757.274.2800)